Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house! Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.
One night after Jenna finished dinner she showed me her empty plate. Catherine took one look at it and said, "Jenna, you rock." (yes, Catherine, Jenna is a good eater)
Sitting in bed with Natalie who just turned 5.

Dad: You know Natalie, I used to have a very pretty four year old daughter. But one day she went away and now I have a five year old daugher and guess what?
Natalie (smiling): What?
Dad: She's even more beautiful than when she was four! Do you know who she is?
Natalie: Me!
Dad: Right. You are so pretty!
Natalie: Yeah. And just wait till I'm six!

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Natalie's 5 now!!

Our second girl turned 5 this month. She had been glowing with expectation for a week, reminding us everyday and sometimes shivering with excitement. The morning of the big day she called to us from the bathrooom that it was her birthday. She asked if we had decorations up downstairs, daddy replied "some". With a very serious look on her face she replied "why don't you go down there and finish. I'll wait".

We had two parties for her. One with friends and one with family. She had a great time and was thankful for everyone.

I love this girl.

Mema and Grandma came to celebrate with us.

Natalie and Poppy

The 6 cousins all together.

Natalie asked me to make a flower cake for her.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house! Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.
Lately Catherine has been saying some funny things....

Before getting her out of the van she'll say, "Don't forget about meeee."
(like I forget her alot..lol)___________________________________________________________________________________
Catherine was at her grandma's one day and this is an exchange that occurred between them:

Grandma (says to herself with C overhearing): I'm going to make some spaghetti sauce.

C: Grandma, are you going to make sauce?

G: Yes, I am

C: Slaps her leg and says, "Oh my gosh."

Grandma and Catherine laugh and repeat the entire dialog.
For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Monday, June 22, 2009

What a difference a (school) year makes

Getting on the bus, with our neighbor Katelin, on the first day.

It was a mere nine months ago that we placed our fearless first born on the scary (to her parents) school bus and sent her off to kindergarten. There were days of sadness, tears and pride in Jenna as she took this step out of our view.

As the leaves turned, we rang in the holidays, the snow fell, and finally spring returned warm days her parents adjusted to her growing up. Somehow June was upon us and we realized that in the blink of an eye this milestone was behind us.

As Jenna’s summer begins, she joins her great sisters to create fun memories and share time together.

Getting off the bus on the last day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Saying YES is Fun!

We were expecting guests to arrive soon.

The girls needed baths.

We told them to stay away from the water table and the baby pool. (they were filled with water, so you know they wanted to play)

BUT, on thing led to another. First, Catherine started throwing toys into the pool.

Natalie tried to fish them out without getting wet.

Then Natalie got her shirt wet and Catherine jumped in the pool.

They all looked at me waiting for the "green light" to get in.

Normally, I'd say "No" we're waiting for company, it's getting late etc....

But today I said, "YES." And I'm sure glad I did.

This is before Jenna got completely soaked.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house! Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.

We are big fans of the Frances books and videos, so Catherine likes to go under the table and pretend to be Frances and say, "I need some me myself time."

Jenna and Natalie were at the table one morning and this is what I heard (again referring to the Frances books)

J- Who do you like better Gloria or Frances?

N- I don't know

Mom- Jenna, who do you like?

J- Gloria, because she has a holy name.


For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


May 20, 2009 Natalie graduated from preschool.

She was so proud to walk into the ceremony with her cap and gown. She confidently sang all the songs and then walked on stage to get her diploma.

What a great accomplishment!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Family

Welcome to Faith For Five - the DiMaggio Blog.

After some gentle prodding from friends we are entering the world of the Blogosphere. It’s our hope that if you were invited in, followed a link from another post or just tripped across our site by accident you will enjoy reading our posts.

We have no idea what to expect will happen here. It’s possible we’ll find that we have very little to say, typing is tiresome and we’re unable to delude ourselves into thinking people are actually reading this. Or maybe we’ll love sharing the details of our lives, find recording of our experiences exciting and treasure the memories. It’s a crapshoot really.

So bookmark our site and wander back from time to time. You’ll see how Joanne plays ringleader to the circus in our house. You’ll watch our kids grow and learn while quietly taking full control of our home. And you’ll read Dennis’ ramblings about what life bring us.