Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.

While watching Blue's Clues....

Catherine (age 2): I'm going to use a thinking chair when I'm older. I love thinking chairs.

Jenna and Daddy were in the car on Saturday with the radio tuned to an "all 80s music" radio station. When the song "Who Can It Be Now" by Men at Work came on, Jenna listened as I sang along. The lyrics include:

Who can it be knocking at my door? Go 'way, don't come 'round here no more.
Can't you see that it's late at night? I'm very tired, and I'm not feeling right.
All I wish is to be alone; Stay away, don't you invade my home.
Best off if you hang outside, Don't come in - I'll only run and hide.
Who can it be now?
Who can it be now?
Who can it be now?
Who can it be now?

Jenna listened, looked confused and asked "Why doesn't he just open the door and see who it is"?

Gotta love that logic.

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.
Catherine (age 2) goes to Bible Study with me on Tuesdays. Last week she colored a picture of Moses.

I was talking to her about it and she said, "Moses, I love her."

Jenna (age6) was born on November 18th. She has a friend who was born on
October 18th.

Jenna: If I were born on October 18th then Paris and I would be twin friends.

Mom: LOL

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Karate Competition

Both Natalie and Jenna began taking Karate lessons this year. They go every Saturday for one hour of very basic instruction. It's been good exercise, but they are not really showing great interest.

This Saturday, Natalie was sick and I took Jenna by herself for a lesson. Due to a communication problem, we did not know that they were having a tournament instead. They invited Jenna to join.

All daddy could think of was "oh, I hope she doesn't get hurt". She was the only white belt in the place and clearly the other kids were more serious about it. But she was very happy to participate.

She was one of only two kids in her weight class. The other was a boy with a yellow belt, so I thought she wouldn't get more than a bump or bruise.

First round the boy came at her and Jenna mostly covered herself, moved away and broke away when she was caught. The boy did get her to the ground one time and when the long three minute round was over, he won but Jenna had fun. It was announced that they would rematch in 30 minutes.

During the other fights, I took her aside and suggested that she try the "take down" move she had learned. It was the only thing Jenna practiced at home, mostly on dad. She said she would try.

When the rematch began the boy came after her again and Jenna backed away as she had the first time. I called to her "Jenna, do the take down". She smiled at me, ran at the boy, grabbed his shirt and threw him to the ground over her leg. She laughed and the ref looked shocked.

The boy got up and chased after Jenna again, who backed away. "Jenna, do it again" Daddy said. Jenna ran right at the boy and did the exact same thing. He hopped up. "Again Jenna" came the call. Thump, down went the yellow-belted boy a third time. He got up and backed away as they both heard daddy call "Do it again". The boy's mother was seated next me and I turned to her and said "She only knows one move, but she's pretty good at it".

Time ran out and the ref called them together and raised Jenna's hand as the winner. No one looked more shocked than her. Because they had only two kids in the weight class, she got the trophy.