Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time To Catch Up

It's been months since I have touched this blog or even uploaded pictures from my

camera. So, now it's time to start this "blog" thing again. I stopped

scrapbooking awhile ago, so this blog is the only way to capture our life. So I'll

be "backing up" to the winter and going from there.

Once I'm caught up I'll need to go back and finish 2010. Oh my!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break

We traveled to NYC for Spring Break. We had a great time visiting with cousins and aunts.

The girls think riding the subway is the coolest thing.
We told the girls back in December, when we were up here, that we'd come back and get their American Girl Dolls ears pierced. The girls were soooo excited about this. It was well worth the money to see the joy on their faces.

Our little one fell asleep on the sweet.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Catherine!

It's so hard to believe that 4 years ago I gave birth to my sweet little Catherine Marie. She brings us such joy. She is a morning person, much like Jenna. She gets up early and is ready to tackle the day with much happiness and enthusiasm.

She makes us all laugh a lot. She loves to color, write, dance and sing. She always wants to be my helper, which I love.

I am so thankful for you, Catherine.

Here are the cousins. They love being together.
Catherine asked fora flower cake. If you look closely you'll notice that her hair caught on fire. Thankfully Dennis was close to her to snuff it out.
Catherine didn't want to come back and blow out her candles, so her cousin J did it for her.

I love that Lauren is wearing the dress that Jenna wore when she was one.
Sometimes it's hard to get cousin D to smile at the camera. He prefers his serious face.

Uncle Jim took the girls out to breakfast and then to the store to buy Catherine a gift. She picked out this new Elmo doll that talks.