Saturday, November 28, 2009

An Invitation to the Science Center

Along with a small group of her classmates, Jenna was asked to participate in a display at the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore. She wrote a paragraph on the "Butterfly Nebula" which was shown alongside a large photograph of the space phenomenon.

Her science class has recently focused on Astronomy, which has captured Jenna's imagination. Ask her a question about the stars or planets and get comfortable.....

The above reads: The Bufferfly Nebula looks like a butterfly. It is the death of a star five times bigger than our star, the sun. In my opinion, it is very beautiful because it has many colors. Its colors are white, pink, orange, green, and cream. There are many stars in the background.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.

Grandma was over and she was helping Catherine do something....

Grandma: Here you go, Babe.
Catherine (age 2): My name is Catherine, not Babe.

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Office of What???

This is a government office near the White House. Hope they keep up the good work.......

A Day in D.C.

We headed down to Washington DC for a quick tour. We walked from the Capital, to the Monument, to the Memorial, the the White House and back.....three kids under 7 and one stroller, not the best combination.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.
This is what we heard Natalie saying as she was playing with her barbies....

Honey, stop yelling for me from your room. If you need something, come and get me, I can’t be running through the house and I only have 2 hands.
(I wonder where she's heard that before...)


Mom: Catherine, did you have fun in Washington today?

Catherine (2): I love Washington ABC

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Parade

The girls were so excited about their school halloween parade. It was a nice day to be outside. In these pictures Jenna and Natalie see Grandma, Mema, cousin Nora, Uncle Jim and me. They were surprised to see us all there.


This year Jenna was a pirate, Natalie a butterfly and Catherine a penguin. Dennis walked them through the neighborhood, that is until Catherine saw a wolf (ie. the boy up the street with a mask). Once that happened she was done. Dennis brought her back and she helped give out candy to our neighbors.

For the school parade Natalie decided to wear her Spanish Flamenco dress that grandma bought her while in Spain.

Family Scarecrows

When we moved into our house three years ago, Dennis started this fun tradition. Every October he and the girls make family scarecrows for our front lawn. This year we added a scarecrow for the dog (she's in the lower left). Each family member helps stuff his/her own scarecrow and decides where they sit.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.

Catherine was in her bed supposed to be napping but she was calling my name instead. I went in to see what was wrong.
Catherine: Mom, what do we do in the snow?
Mom: We sled, ski, make snowballs, make snow men and play.
Catherine: Okay.
I leave. Of course, she calls for me again and we repeat the entire dialog. I love having a two year old.

Catherine was fighting daddy as I tried to dress her.
Daddy "Catherine, you drive me crazy"
Catherine "I know"


Jenna and Natalie have started watching Looney Tunes. They love it when Daffy tells Bugs "You're Despicable".

Natalie came running up to Daddy and said "I have something nice to say to you daddy".
"What's that honey" , I asked
Big smile..."You're not despicable".
Gee, thanks

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.