Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.

Catherine (3): She's spelling....F E D E X

Mom: That says FedEx. It's short for Federal Express.

Catherine: Oh, like the pony express.

Tonight at dinner we had cauliflower. I reminded Catherine that she likes it.

Catherine: After taking a taste ...I definitely like it. It's delicious and hilarious.

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.

My mom was over one day cooking dinner for us. She was chopping up onions.

Catherine (3): I don't like onions.

Grandma: Why not?

Catherine: They're not good for my teeth.
Catherine was saying grace.....

Dear God,

Thank you for this day. Thank you for this food.

Hey, guess what? My socks match my shirt.

In Jesus name. Amen.
I gave the girls some orange sherbert for dessert. Just a small bowl, nothing much. Natalie decides she doesn't want it all...

Natalie (6): Mom, I'm not going to finish this. I don't want to eat too many oils.

Obviously, she's learning alot in her health class at school... :)

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Festival of Trees and Milkshake

Instead of braving the stores on Black Friday we braved the crowds at The Festival of Trees. It's a Christmas Craft Show that raises money for a local hospital. The girls love going. There's a large children's section with rides, face painting and crafts.

We go early before the crowds really arrive. The high light of the morning is seeing our favorite kids band in concert....Milkshake. We are big fans. Last year Catherine watched in amazement from Dennis' lap. This year she was in front of the stage with her sisters dancing, singing and making friends. It was a blast.

The girls color pictures and write letters to Santa.

Grandma treated Jenna and Natalie to manicures.

Here's a tree Candyland tree.

This is Lisa from Milkshake.

Catherine eventually ended up on the stage to sing and dance with the band.

Thankful Tree

Dennis and I always try to instill a spirit of thankfulness with the girls. Several years ago we started a "thankful journal". Every Thanksgiving morning we would all share what we were thankful for and I'd write it down.

This year we started a new tradition...a Thankful Tree. My friend Mary told me about this. At the beginning of November we began our thankful journey. Everyday or so the girls would write down something they were thankful for and tape it to the tree. It was a wonderful time to reflect and be truly grateful for so much. Of course some of the things they wrote were funny. For example, Catherine is thankful for her box (what box I'm not sure) and the stickers I gave her.

Here are some others: my family, Jesus, school, being a big sister, cousins, aunts and uncles, fun times together, grandparents, teachers and school.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.
Dennis is taking Jenna away for a night. They were discussing where they could go. He was throwing out ideas. One idea was Annapolis.

Jenna: No, I don't want to go there. It's too crowded.

Me: Dennis, how would she know that Annapolis is crowded? Has she been there?

Dennis: I don't think she's been there.

Mom: Jenna, why do you think Annapolis is crowded?

Jenna: It's urban.

Mom and Dennis: LOL

At school this past month they discussed urban, suburban and rural communitites.

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.
I was outside with the girls the other day. They were happily playing in the driveway. I was raking leaves. Without any notice, they all decided the wanted to go in. Off they went. Except one...

N (age 6): Mom, are you going to be okay outside by yourself? (very thoughtful to ask, I thought. The real question is,"are the three of you okay in the house by yourself...")

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dutch Wonderland

My nephew turned 5 this month. My sister decided to spend his birthday at Dutch Wonderland. It was a perfect day.

We let the girls get glitter tattoos.

What a silly girl.

The kids played musical chairs. It was a fine idea until the first 2 kids out were the youngest ones. They, of course, started to cry. Oh well!

Catherine looks really happy to be on the Whip.

Notice the fear in her face now. She hated it. Natalie did her best to console her.

It was a super day with family and friends to celbrate our special guy.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Apple picking

One beautiful Fall Saturday we decided to go apple and peach picking. We had a great time.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday helps parents focus on one of the many joys of parenting - the funny things that our little ones (and sometimes big ones) have to say.

Join in the fun and record the Tiny Talk overheard in your house!

Publish a post on your blog and link us to the laughs.

I need to start writing things down again. I just keep forgetting. Many funny things are said at our house.

C: (age 3) I tucked my shirt into my pants. I like being connected.

For more Tiny Talk visit Not Before 7.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Catherine started preschool today. She was so excited. So much so that she's been carrying her backpack to the bus stop every morning and afternoon. She just wants to do what her sisters do.

Thankfully, she had a fun morning!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The First Day of School

The girls were VERY excited to start school. Thankfully I didn't cry this year!!

My Mom made their dresses.

Mema and Poppy came to see them off too. Grandma was also there, but somehow I missed taking her picture with them with my camera.

Notice that Catherine has her backpack on too. She's very excited to start preschool soon.

Dennis follows the bus to school so he can get some shots of them getting off the bus.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Day Before School

We had a fun family day as we celebrated the end of summer vacation. We swam at a neighbor's pool, went out to dinner and then enjoyed some ice cream.

It's been a wonderful summer!

Monday, June 28, 2010